Arts & Humanities Cognitive Science and Classical Studies: The Chance for a Constructive Dialogue Read more
Academia & Publishing Rethinking Accessible Research with Subscribe to Open: The Story So Far Read more
Science & Technology Levodopa and Propolis: How “Bee Glue” Can Help in the Therapy of Parkinson’s Disease Researchers from Uganda recently found that, due to its beneficial effects on muscle function, “bee glue” could be a promising supplement to Levodopa – one of the main drugs used to treat Parkinson’s symptoms.
Arts & Humanities #unbezahlt? Vom Widerstand des Akademischen Prekariats Kurzzeitverträge, Niedriglöhne und permanente Überlastung – viele Forschende an deutschen Universitäten arbeiten unter prekären Bedingungen. Doch muss das wirklich so sein?
Politics & Society Why Trump Really Wants to Ban TikTok The battle between America and China being carried out through TikTok embodies a new form of modern warfare in which there is no threat of bombs, no threat of troops, but threats of taking away teenagers’ dancing videos.
Arts & Humanities From Justinianic Plague to Covid-19: A Timeless Story? The news of SARS-CoV-2 spreading across the world and quarantine measures bring back to mind the terrible scourges of the past.
Arts & Humanities ‘Forced Diversity’ In Movies Is Not a Thing – But Here’s Why Some People Are So Scared of It