Arts & Humanities

Arts & Humanities

Call for Manuscripts: SubAtlantic – Latin American, Caribbean and Luso-African Ecologies

We are looking for book proposals in English, Spanish and Portuguese for an exciting new series on environmental humanities in the Iberian South Atlantic. We welcome submissions spanning the field in its geographical and historical breadth, from the pre-Columbian and colonial period to the present, including approaches from Amerindian and Afrodescendent perspectives.

Arts & Humanities

In Motion: An Interview with Manuel Neukirchner

As EURO 2024 fever sweeps through Germany’s cities and stadia, the host nation’s pioneering Football Museum displays a spectacular overview of football in European modern art, representing a diverse continent united by the beautiful game. We spoke to curator Manuel Neukirchner about the exhibition and its catalogue, published by Deutscher Kunstverlag.

Arts & Humanities

Echoes Across Siberia: What Indigenous Languages Can Teach Us About the Past

Northern Asia holds more than just breathtaking landscapes. It cradles a tapestry of cultures and languages dating back millennia, offering important clues to the region’s deep past. Preserving the vanishing voices of indigenous communities has never seemed more urgent.

Arts & Humanities

Zwischen Apokalypse und Wachstumsillusion: Warum wir neue Hoffnung brauchen

In der ökologischen Krise zeigen sich allzu deutlich die Grenzen des auf Wachstum basierenden Wohlstands. Doch während die politische Linke in Verzweiflung und die Rechte in blindem Optimismus verharrt, wächst in der Zivilgesellschaft eine neue demokratische Hoffnung.

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