Arts & Humanities

Can We Cheat Death via Mind-Uploading?

Can the sum of knowledge and experience we’ve accumulated over a lifetime live on after we die? The concept of “mind-uploading” is a modern version of an age-old human dream. Transhumanism hopes to not only enhance human capacities but even transcend human limitations such as bodily death.

Academia & Publishing

What Is Peer Review and Why Is It Important?

It’s one of the major cornerstones of the academic process and critical to maintaining rigorous quality standards for research papers. Whichever side of the peer review process you’re on, we want to help you understand the steps involved.

Politics & Society

Judaism and Abortion: Religious Freedom Requires Choice

Christian voices dominate the debate about reproductive rights, and the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade allows states to impose the most stringent views. Jewish tradition, however, has a different take on the question of when life begins.

Science & Technology

Cities Drive Global Warming, But Change is Possible

Urban areas around the world are responsible for more than two-thirds of global greenhouse gases. At the same time, the impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly dire. What can cities do to effect long-lasting, sustainable transformation?

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