Arts & Humanities How Soul Music Became the Heartbeat of the Panama Canal Diggers’ Descendants Read more
Business & Economics How Embracing Complexity Changes the Way You See the World – and Can Even Transform the Way You Write Read more
Arts & Humanities Modern Languages in a Changing World: An Interview with Andy Byford and Claudia Nitschke The field of Modern Languages explores nothing less than the fundamental questions of human existence. We spoke to Professors Andy Byford and Claudia Nitschke about the discipline’s historical roots, current developments, and possible futures.
Academia & Publishing The Evolving Role of the Academic Librarian – From Traditional to Digital By embracing new mindsets and roles, academic librarians are dispelling the long-outdated image of bookworms surrounded by dusty shelves. Not only have they adapted to the digital transformation: they are actively driving it.
Academia & Publishing How to Blog About Your Research Blogging is a great way to show off the real-world applications of your research and engage a broader audience. Discover the key steps to crafting a compelling piece that will undoubtedly spark a “eureka!” moment for your readers.
Science & Technology Dieter Meiller und Magdalena Kayser-Meiller über “Unterwegs im Cybercamper” Als Ada L. bloggt die Protagonistin des Buchs „Unterwegs im Cyber-Camper“ über die digitale Welt und was sie im Inneren zusammenhält. In unserem neuesten Book Talk sprachen wir mit den Köpfen hinter dem Projekt.
Arts & Humanities ‘Forced Diversity’ In Movies Is Not a Thing – But Here’s Why Some People Are So Scared of It