
Science & Technology

Understanding the Brains of Transgender People: Are We There Yet?

Over the last 25 years, scientists have become more and more keen on understanding the contribution of the brain in how transgender people feel about themselves. Although studies are increasing, neuroscientists are still trying to answer the question whether the brains of transgender people resemble those of their self-identified gender, their sex assigned at birth, or whether they have a totally different brain profile.

Science & Technology

Mobile gaming: Do different genres influence different brain functions?

Mobile gaming has become one of the commonest forms of entertainment worldwide. However, little is known about how mobile games […]

Science & Technology

Overflowing cellular waste dumps: responsible for Parkinson’s disease?

Lysosomes are the waste and recycling dumps of the cell and responsible for the degradation of intra- and extracellular molecules. […]

Science & Technology

Our “little brain in the gut” is more important than we thought

We likely all listen to our “gut feelings” from time to time, but maybe not all of us know that […]

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