Arts & Humanities

Long-Term Impacts of the 1918–19 Influenza

During the coronavirus crisis, the influenza disease, the biggest killing infectious disease in modern history, is often mentioned as the nearest comparator. Can the stories of its survivors inform surviving Covid-19?

Arts & Humanities

Pandemics in History: Global Solidarity is the Only Way Forward

Can history teach us how to deal with Covid-19? Perhaps not. But it reminds us that when faced with global challenges, we need to resist the urge to focus on national solidarities.

Science & Technology

What happens to our teeth when water fluoridation levels change?

To prevent tooth decay, many countries fluoridate their drinking water– not always without controversy. In a recent review, researchers from […]

Politics & Society

What Future for Post-Coronavirus Societies?

There has been great speed to predict our post-Covid-19 future. What is clearer, however, is that institutions and individuals across the globe have already creatively responded to huge challenges to reshape social activities and everyday lives.

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