Arts & Humanities

“Man kann Ökonomie als einen Ordnungsversuch des Begehrens verstehen”: Jule Govrin im Interview

Begehren und Ökonomie sind untrennbar miteinander verwoben. Wie genau, davon erzählt Jule Govrin in einem Streifzug durch die Philosophiegeschichte von Platon über Hegel, Nietzsche und Freud bis zu Deleuze, Guattari und der Queer Theory.

Science & Technology

Bridging Chemistry with Art – How We Put the “A” in STEM

To celebrate the beauty of a discipline that is usually regarded only with respect to its utility, three Canadian chemists decided to launch a contest of chemistry-inspired art. The various submissions to “ChemiSTEAM” – the photos, drawings, and even tea towels – showed them that in the end it’s all about the stories behind the art.

Politics & Society

How ‘Global’ is ‘Global Jihād’ in Mali?

By the end of the year, France will pull more than 2,000 troops from the Sahel, but its military involvement in the region will persist. Blindly referring to ideological root causes of violence, however, leaves local conflicts out of the equation, while ignoring religious factors altogether is equally problematic.

Academia & Publishing

How to Write and Publish a Research Paper in 7 Steps

What comes next after you’re done with your research? Publishing the results in a journal of course! We tell you how to present your work in the best way possible.

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