Academia & Publishing

Wissenschaftspodcasts: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen mit Nadine Kreuzahler

Einfach ans Mikrofon setzen und loslabern? Für einen erfolgreichen Wissenschaftspodcast braucht es mehr! Zum Launch unseres neuen Podcasts „Wagnis Wissen“ sprachen wir mit der Moderatorin Nadine Kreuzahler über die Besonderheiten des Formats, ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen und Tipps für angehende Podcaster.

Arts & Humanities

Unfit Art History: Queering the Study of Art

As labels tend to oscillate between overestimation and meaninglessness, the notion of a Queer Art History requires double caution: As a discipline it may either risk domesticating a radical movement through institutionalization, or be derided as ‘unscholarly’ activism. While the latter objection may even confirm the effectiveness of queer initiatives, the former requires a constant questioning of the objectives being pursued. Charting the path forward for Queer Art History means facing these issues head on.

Academia & Publishing

How to Get “Networking” Right as an Academic

As a PhD student, early career researcher, or even as a seasoned academic, you will likely have to do some sort of bridge-building with other people in your field if you want to be considered for interesting job opportunities, get your work noticed, or just find like-minded people in your field you respect, trust, and enjoy working with. We’ve compiled a set of helpful tips and tricks to help you get it right.

Science & Technology

IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast: Catalyzing Diversity in Science

In chemistry, as in many other science disciplines, achieving gender equality remains a goal that has yet to be reached. The IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast, an annual event held in February, calls on organizations worldwide to pave the way toward a more equitable future for all genders.

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