
Arts & Humanities

What the Graffiti of Ancient Pompeii Teach Us About Our Modern Selves

Writing “I was here” is one of the most basic forms of self-expression. With a history that goes back several thousand years, graffiti-writing teaches us a great deal about our own habits of self-display.

Arts & Humanities

History as a Poetess: Stefan Zweig on Biography, History and Politics (1943)

In 1939, Stefan Zweig prepared a lecture on history for the PEN Congress in Stockholm, but the event got cancelled. Published shortly after Zweig’s and his wife Charlotte Altmann’s suicide in 1942, Zweig’s essay is evidence of an attempt to spread optimism in bleak times. An excerpt.

Arts & Humanities

How German Refugees Found a New Home in Ireland

Several hundred German-speaking refugees came to Ireland between 1933-1945. Their story has only recently been rediscovered – and we have a lot to learn from their experience.

Arts & Humanities

Robot Sex, Roombas — and Alan Rickman

Robot lovers, given current technology, are not particularly good at being robots, much less at being Alan Rickman. The good news is: as cyborgs we don’t really need actual robot technology in order to have robot lovers.

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