Arts & Humanities Cognitive Science and Classical Studies: The Chance for a Constructive Dialogue Read more
Academia & Publishing Rethinking Accessible Research with Subscribe to Open: The Story So Far Read more
Politics & Society How Universities Can Outlast the Covid-19 Pandemic In times of uncertainty, universities and faculty members must react with careful planning and future-proofing. In short, now is not the time for magical thinking.
Politics & Society Covid-19 Will Lead to Far Reaching Changes in Academia Whether it’s careers, costs, teaching or conferencing, the pandemic will touch every aspect of academic and university life. Whilst the winners and losers are not yet clear, long-term change is certain.
Science & Technology Global pain study defies “one-size-fits-all” approach to pain assessment A recent study combining three online surveys in 14 countries across the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia found that musculoskeletal pain had a substantial impact on half of the respondents. Yet, the majority of them avoided immediate treatment.
Academia & Publishing (Ge)Recht Für Alle? Nikolas Eisentraut Über Open Access in der Rechtswissenschaft Frei zugängliche Wissenschaft schafft gerechtere Bedingungen für Jurist*innen in der Ausbildung, sagt der Rechtswissenschaftler Nikolas Eisentraut im Interview. Doch der Weg dorthin ist steinig.
Arts & Humanities ‘Forced Diversity’ In Movies Is Not a Thing – But Here’s Why Some People Are So Scared of It