Science & Technology

The Virtual Switch: Online Conferencing during COVID-19

When confronted with the sudden restrictions by Covid-19 measures, the organizers of the annual LOGIC conference had to make a quick decision: postpone, cancel or drastically adapt the event? They decided for the latter option, and ended up pushing forward their own vision of equity, diversity and inclusion in chemistry.

Arts & Humanities

Call for Manuscripts: Museums and Narrative

We are looking for English-language manuscripts on museums and exhibitions as narrative media for our new book series.

Politics & Society

The Pandemic Reshapes Academic Life – How We Respond Is Key

Academic life is constantly changing, but in the context of COVID-19, those changes have been accelerated.

Arts & Humanities

Genderdebatte: Flexibilität ist ein Lebenszeichen unserer Sprache

In der Debatte um geschlechtergerechte Sprache äußern sich nicht wenige, die die deutsche Sprache als vermeintlich unantastbares Kulturdenkmal schützen und bewahren möchten. Doch ein Blick in die Sprachgeschichte beweist: nichts ist so beständig wie der Wandel.

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