Politics & Society

Gender, Embodiment, Desire: A Discussion with Meg Fernandes and Jack Halberstam

Should gender be abolished? Why do conservatives fixate on trans youths? And what exactly do we mean by “non-binary”? In a recent event in our “Humanities for Humans” series, poet Meg Fernandes and gender theorist Jack Halberstam discussed today’s vital questions around gender, the body, and desire.

Politics & Society

Talking About Sustainability: What’s New in the “Green” Lexicon?

From “green loans” to “green hushing” – environmental discourse is continually expanding with new terms to guide us through a sustainability-oriented world. So, what’s the latest in the green lexicon?

Academia & Publishing

Academic Librarians on Intellectual Freedom and Change, Part 3: An Interview with Beau Case

This week, Beau Case reflects on his career as a university librarian, culminating in his current role as the Inaugural Dean of Libraries at the University of Central Florida. He talked to us about the challenges he had faced, social bias in libraries, and why he doesn’t mind students putting books back out of order.

Academia & Publishing

Academic Librarians on Intellectual Freedom and Change, Part 2: An Interview with Michelle Blake

Sitting on Māori tribal land, the University of Waikato in New Zealand showcases a culturally rich and significant backdrop. In the second segment of our new interview series, Michelle Blake tells us about the university library’s distinctive setting, indigenous programs, initiatives in educating about disinformation, and much more.

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