Politics & Society

“Reassuring Sounds”: The Impossibility of White Public Apology

White public apologies for racist words or deeds are often moralizing gestures that tend to aggravate the very wrongs they are meant to recognize.

Arts & Humanities

What Can We Learn From Slapstick Comedy?

Despite its “simple” appearance, there is more to slapstick than meets the eye. Besides a whole lot of mishaps and mischief, slapstick movies and figures such as Charlie Chaplin’s famous Tramp provide us with unique perspectives on social issues and power hierarchies.

Science & Technology

2,400 km Flight Sets New Bat Migration Record

According to recently uncovered evidence, a tiny bat of the species Nathusius’ pipstrelle flew from north-west Russia to southern France over 63 days, beating the previous record for bat migration.

Science & Technology

Norbert Herrmann über „Können Hunde rechnen?“

Kann Mathematik Spaß machen? Für Norbert Herrmann ist das überhaupt keine Frage. In unserem neuen Book Talk sprachen wir mit ihm über rechnende Hunde, Ziegen in Spielshows, das Interesse von Geheimdiensten an Primzahlen und noch vieles mehr.

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