Arts & Humanities

Zwischen Apokalypse und Wachstumsillusion: Warum wir neue Hoffnung brauchen

In der ökologischen Krise zeigen sich allzu deutlich die Grenzen des auf Wachstum basierenden Wohlstands. Doch während die politische Linke in Verzweiflung und die Rechte in blindem Optimismus verharrt, wächst in der Zivilgesellschaft eine neue demokratische Hoffnung.

Academia & Publishing

The Impact of Transformative Agreements on Scholarly Publishing

On the route to a fully open access future, transformative agreements serve to bridge the gap between traditional subscription models and widespread open access publishing. But are they working? In our latest webinar, two library experts reflect on the progress and envision a future beyond transformative agreements.

Business & Economics

Unleadership: The Remarkable Power of Unremarkable Acts

Unleaders go about their work quietly, attentive to the quality of their acts, rather than seeking attention for themselves. Often unnoticed, they improve our lives through spontaneous and seemingly ordinary acts, all the while challenging conventional leadership approaches. But how do they do it? It’s time to take a closer look!

Academia & Publishing

Our Website Is Currently Unavailable: Cyberattacks on Cultural Heritage Institutions

Cyberattacks on museums, libraries and other cultural heritage institutions are a growing concern. While protocols for physical attacks or disasters are often well-established, the same cannot be said for virtual threats. If we want to proactively reduce risks, we need more than just firewalls – it’s the “human factor” that demands our closest attention.