
Politics & Society

The War in Ukraine: Lessons from Humanitarian Leaders

War and the threat of human trafficking are closely intertwined. While humanitarian leaders are finally addressing this relationship, we must ensure that protective measures don’t end at Europe’s borders in the future.

Arts & Humanities

Gegen die Katastrophe erzählen: 9/11 in der Literatur

Vor zwanzig Jahren steuerten zwei Flugzeuge in die Türme des World Trade Centers in New York. Seitdem wurde die Geschichte des 11. Septembers 2001 unzählige Male erzählt – nicht zuletzt in der Literatur. Dabei kreisen viele Texte um eine schwer auszuhaltende Erkenntnis: dass die Anschläge ‚einfach so‘ passierten, dass sich dem Leiden der Opfer und der Überlebenden kein Sinn zuschreiben lässt.

Politics & Society

How ‘Global’ is ‘Global Jihād’ in Mali?

By the end of the year, France will pull more than 2,000 troops from the Sahel, but its military involvement in the region will persist. Blindly referring to ideological root causes of violence, however, leaves local conflicts out of the equation, while ignoring religious factors altogether is equally problematic.

Arts & Humanities

The Invention of Modern Peacemaking

Roughly 2,000 peace treaties made between the 15th and the 19th century show us how early modern peacemaking laid the foundations for both the modern constitutional development of European states and for relations between those states to the present.

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