
Arts & Humanities

„Familiennamen sind ein 600 Jahre altes Kulturgut“: Damaris Nübling und Konrad Kunze im Interview

Ob Hinz oder Kunz – hinter fast jedem Familiennamen steckt eine spannende Geschichte, wenn man nur gut genug hinschaut. Doch seit wann verwenden wir überhaupt Familiennamen und warum? Und was können wir heute aus ihnen über die Vergangenheit ableiten? Über diese Fragen und mehr haben wir mit den Herausgebern des „Kleinen Deutschen Familiennamenatlas“ gesprochen.

Arts & Humanities

Celebrating Indigenous Voices: Why Do Legends and Narratives Matter?

Countless Indigenous languages around the world are in danger of becoming extinct. What happens when they vanish, taking with them the unique voices and narrative traditions passed down over millennia? At any rate, this loss is not only a tragedy for the affected communities but for all of humanity.

Arts & Humanities

Dismantling Hate Speech: Time for Linguists to Step Up

Having long been neglected in linguistics, the study of hate speech is now gaining momentum – and it is urgently needed. Only by understanding the complex and elusive nature of hate speech can we effectively uncover the intent of its users and develop strategies to put an end to it.

Arts & Humanities

Andreas Witt and Darja Fišer on “CLARIN. The Infrastructure for Language Resources”

CLARIN, the “Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure,” is dedicated to supporting the exchange, use, and sustainability of language data in the humanities and beyond. In our latest book talk, we spoke with the editors of a new publication that provides a comprehensive overview of the organization and how it works.

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