
Arts & Humanities

What is Animal History and Why Does It Matter?

Relationships between humans and other animals are multi-faceted, often intimate, and frequently ambivalent. Most of all, they are deeply historical. The surging field of animal history aims to tell these stories.

Arts & Humanities

The Invention of Modern Peacemaking

Roughly 2,000 peace treaties made between the 15th and the 19th century show us how early modern peacemaking laid the foundations for both the modern constitutional development of European states and for relations between those states to the present.

Science & Technology

Vom Kerbholz zum Smartphone – Mathe leicht gemacht seit der Steinzeit!

Trotz mangelnder Beliebtheit an Schulen weltweit gilt die Rechenkunst als gewaltige Kulturleistung der Menschheit. Und das zu recht: seit Jahrtausenden entwickeln wir immer ausgefeiltere Methoden und Instrumente, um der Zahlen Herr zu werden.

Arts & Humanities

In the Eye of the Storm: U.S. Diplomat Hugh Gibson and the ‘Spanish Flu’

In 1918, when both World War I and the ‘Spanish flu’ raged in Europe, the American diplomat Hugh S. Gibson was sent to Paris. Today, his personal records offer us rare insights into a time between disease and diplomacy.

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