
Arts & Humanities

„Familiennamen sind ein 600 Jahre altes Kulturgut“: Damaris Nübling und Konrad Kunze im Interview

Ob Hinz oder Kunz – hinter fast jedem Familiennamen steckt eine spannende Geschichte, wenn man nur gut genug hinschaut. Doch seit wann verwenden wir überhaupt Familiennamen und warum? Und was können wir heute aus ihnen über die Vergangenheit ableiten? Über diese Fragen und mehr haben wir mit den Herausgebern des „Kleinen Deutschen Familiennamenatlas“ gesprochen.

Arts & Humanities

Andrew Orr on “The Gay Girl in Damascus Hoax”

In our latest book talk with historian Andrew Orr, we explore the story of an elaborate internet hoax surrounding the (fictional) life of a Syrian-American lesbian woman during the Arab spring. Why were educated and politically engaged westerners so susceptible to believing it?

Arts & Humanities

“So long as you say I lived as a woman”: Why Queer History Matters

With LGBTQIA+ rights facing renewed threats worldwide, the story of Paula C., a transgender woman and sex worker in 1960s London, serves as a poignant reminder of the continued struggles of queer communities and individuals. However, it also underscores the ubiquity and enduring presence of queer history.

Arts & Humanities

The Forgotten Half of History: Why Women Philosophers Matter

Throughout history, women thinkers and their ideas have been intentionally erased from public memory. There is even a mistaken belief that women’s cultural history doesn’t exist at all. Today it’s more important than ever before to debunk this patriarchal narrative and put women philosophers in the spotlight again.

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