
Arts & Humanities

Bildzensur in der Digitalmoderne: Horst Bredekamp im Gespräch

Was tun mit der Macht der Bilder? Von der Löschung technischer Bilder über Bildpolitik, bis hin zu Hobbes’ Leviathan und der Aura von Reproduktionen – über all das und mehr hat Katja Müller-Helle mit dem Kunsthistoriker Horst Bredekamp gesprochen.

Arts & Humanities

Geschichte digital: Zehn Herausforderungen

Geschichte von gestern? Von wegen! Der digitale Wandel stellt die Geschichtswissenschaft auf die Probe – aber er bietet auch Chancen.

Science & Technology

The Virtual Switch: Online Conferencing during COVID-19

When confronted with the sudden restrictions by Covid-19 measures, the organizers of the annual LOGIC conference had to make a quick decision: postpone, cancel or drastically adapt the event? They decided for the latter option, and ended up pushing forward their own vision of equity, diversity and inclusion in chemistry.

Academia & Publishing

Building the future on hundreds of years of History: Book archives in today’s research.

There are hundreds of extensive and ambitious archive digitisation projects taking place across the world today – all with the aim of getting primary research into the hands of millions more people, whilst building a permanent record of academic literature to drive the advancement of ideas for generations to come. None of this would be feasible without the close and ongoing collaboration of libraries, publishers, academic bodies and governments worldwide. And it’s an activity that shows no signs of slowing down.

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