
Academia & Publishing

Die Leipziger Buchmesse in der DDR: Ein Interview mit Patricia F. Blume

In einer Zeit der Abschottung und politischen Spannungen, waren es Bücher, die Brücken zwischen Ost und West schlugen – die Leipziger Buchmesse als Knotenpunkt des deutsch-deutschen Kulturaustauschs spielte dabei eine ganz besondere Rolle. Wir sprachen mit der Medien- und Buchwissenschaftlerin Dr. Patricia F. Blume über die Messe als „Fenster zur Welt“, ihre ideologische Funktion, skurrile Klau- und Schmuggelgeschichten und noch vieles mehr.

Academia & Publishing

How to Get “Networking” Right as an Academic

As a PhD student, early career researcher, or even as a seasoned academic, you will likely have to do some sort of bridge-building with other people in your field if you want to be considered for interesting job opportunities, get your work noticed, or just find like-minded people in your field you respect, trust, and enjoy working with. We’ve compiled a set of helpful tips and tricks to help you get it right.

Academia & Publishing

Five Ways to Boost Your Online Presence at Academic Conferences

Struggling to make a splash on social media at conferences? Discover our 5 tips to make new connections and skyrocket your online presence.

Science & Technology

Bridging Chemistry with Art – How We Put the “A” in STEM

To celebrate the beauty of a discipline that is usually regarded only with respect to its utility, three Canadian chemists decided to launch a contest of chemistry-inspired art. The various submissions to “ChemiSTEAM” – the photos, drawings, and even tea towels – showed them that in the end it’s all about the stories behind the art.

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