
Arts & Humanities

From Ohrdruf to Berlin: Eisenhower’s Enduring Legacy of “Never Again”

“Never again is now” – a slogan that rings truer than ever today – impels us to recall one of the first people who called upon the world to bear witness to the atrocities of the Holocaust and who worked actively to ensure that it would never happen again.

Arts & Humanities

Verehrt, verachtet, vergessen – der Komponist Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791–1864)

Seine Opern waren die gesellschaftlichen Großevents ihrer Zeit, er selbst das Zentrum antisemitischer Shitstorms: Giacomo Meyerbeer, Berliner, Pariser, Weltbürger, steht exemplarisch für die Licht- und Schattenseiten der 1.700-jährigen deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte.

Arts & Humanities

A Conversation on Paul Celan: We Are All Migrants of Language

Durs Grünbein and Michael Eskin discuss Paul Celan’s lasting influence and legacy.

Arts & Humanities

Antisemitism on Social Media in Times of Corona

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic antisemitic myths and conspiracy theories have been thriving. They meet the demand for narratives that promise knowledge — a demand that is growing in times of crisis and uncertainty.

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