Business & Economics

Degrowth: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Amidst the devastation of the world’s ecosystems and the unprecedented rise in economic inequalities, should we reconsider our concepts of growth and development? Absolutely! It’s time to prioritize both people and the planet. It’s time for degrowth.

Science & Technology

Tackling Plastics Pollution with Chemical Recycling: An Interview with Katrina Knauer

This year’s Earth Day centers on reducing plastic pollution for the sake of both humanity and planetary health. We spoke with polymer scientist Dr. Katrina Knauer about innovative recycling technologies and the development of new plastics that could make a significant contribution to achieving this mission.

Arts & Humanities

AI Literature: Will ChatGPT Be the Author of Your Next Favourite Novel?

The rise of large language models has generated an online boom in AI-written literature across genres as diverse as bedtime stories for children, sci-fi novellas, autobiographies, and romance novels. But if we can generate entire volumes with nothing but a prompt or two, how will books be conceived in the future? And what impact will ChatGPT have on our notion of literature?

Politics & Society

Lauschangriff auf deutsche Offiziere: Russlands hybride Kriegsführung

Kommunikation ist im digitalen Zeitalter zu einer zentralen Ressource der Kriegsführung geworden. Dies bewies zuletzt eindrücklich der Abhörskandal um den möglichen Einsatz des Marschflugkörpers Taurus durch die Ukraine. Wie können journalistische Medien künftig in diesem „Krieg der Narrative“ bestehen?

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