Call for Manuscripts: SubAtlantic – Latin American, Caribbean and Luso-African Ecologies

We are looking for book proposals in English, Spanish and Portuguese for an exciting new series on environmental humanities in the Iberian South Atlantic. We welcome submissions spanning the field in its geographical and historical breadth, from the pre-Columbian and colonial period to the present, including approaches from Amerindian and Afrodescendent perspectives.

In stratigraphy, “Subatlantic” refers to the climatic age whose end we are currently living through. The SubAtlantic series challenges us to cross-examine climate history and environmental crisis with the world-ecological chronotope of the Iberian South Atlantic. While colonial expansion triggered monocrop plantations, extractive networks, genocide and enslavement, this world-ecological formation has also been a hotbed of resilient imaginaries of survivance and alliance-making among existents, from Caribbean Maroon ecologies to the multinaturalist ontologies of Amazonian and Andean societies, as well as their reconfigurations in contemporary activisms and artistic practice.

From the vantage point of the environmental humanities, we welcome submissions spanning the field in its geographical and historical breadth, from the pre-Columbian and colonial period to the present, including contributions and approaches from Amerindian and Afrodescendent perspectives as well as studies that engage with contemporary global Hispano- and Lusophone conversations. We are interested in studies on environmental aesthetics as an emerging field, challenging cultural canons and traditional frames of interpretation by exploring the multiple connections between ecological crisis and reconfigurations of the sensible.

Please submit expressions of interest to the series editors ( with copy to Maxim Karagodin (

We invite submissions in English, Spanish and Portuguese that are conversant with areas of innovation and expansion in the environmental humanities, as well as challenging polarized cartographies between North/South or center/periphery, including but not limited to: animal, plant and fungal studies; energy humanities; hydroaesthetics; art/science activisms; transfeminist and queer ecocriticisms. Works with a focus on anti-extractivism, racialization, territorial dispossession and survivance are especially welcome, as are proposals articulating geology, capital, coloniality and gender.

Proposals are reviewed by the series editors with assistance from our Advisory Board comprising some of the leading voices of the field. Proposals and manuscripts will also undergo full peer review from at least two experts working in related areas. The series seeks to publish at least two volumes per year.

Series editors:

Jens Andermann (New York University)
Victoria Saramago (University of Chicago)
Gabriel Giorgi (New York University/CONICET)

Advisory Board

Mary Louise Pratt (New York University)
Laura Barbas-Rhoden (Wofford College)
Adriana Michele Campos Johnson (UC Irvine)
Carolyn Fornoff (Cornell)
Valeria de los Ríos (PUC Chile)
Luz Horne (Universidad de San Andrés)
Lesley Wylie (Leicester)
Orlando Bentancor (Barnard College)
Joanna Page (Cambridge)

Volume 1 of SubAtlantic, Posnaturalezas poéticas: Pensamiento ecológico y políticas de la extrañeza en la poesía latinoamericana contemporánea by Azucena Castro will be published on December 2, 2024.

[Title Image by Ferdinand Keller. Wikimedia Commons/Public domain.]

Jens Andermann

Jens Andermann is David B. Kriser Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at New York University.

Victoria Saramago

Victoria Saramago is Associate Professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago.

Gabriel Giorgi

Gabriel Giorgi is Principal Researcher at Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica (CONICET), Argentina, and Professor of Spanish at New York University.

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