Politics & Society

The Unfamiliar Intimacy of the Face Mask During COVID-19

More than a year and a half into the pandemic, the debate over face masks is still raging – time to take the opportunity and think about our intimate connections with inanimate objects.

Business & Economics

Knowledge in Motion: How to Spot the Future in the Here and Now

If the pandemic has taught us one thing, it is how quickly and unpredictably our lives can change – and how resilient many organisations and people turned out to be. How did they manage to do that? And how do we prepare for the future when uncertainty is the only certainty?

Arts & Humanities

Bühne frei für starke Frauen der Geschichte: Jasmin Lörchner und ihr Podcast „Herstory“

Jahrhundertelang wurden Frauen in der Geschichtsschreibung ignoriert oder systematisch unsichtbar gemacht. Doch mit „HerStory“ bringt Jasmin Lörchner die Geschichten der Wegbereiterinnen von gestern wieder ans Licht.

Academia & Publishing

Congratulations, Winners of the 2021 Joshua A. Fishman Award!

Two exceptional dissertations pertaining to the sociology of language have made the cut.

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