
Academia & Publishing

Taking Libraries into the Future, Part 1: An Interview with Mark Hughes

Artificial intelligence: good, bad or neutral? Whatever one thinks of AI, its impact on research, teaching and learning is becoming near impossible to ignore. In the first part of a new blog series, Mark Hughes, University Librarian at Cardiff Metropolitan University, shares his views on how to tackle the slippery giant that is transforming academia.

Science & Technology

IUPAC’s Top 10 Emerging Technologies in Chemistry

From wearable sensors to large language models and bio-recycling – these ten innovative technologies are shaping not only the world of chemistry, but the future of our planet.

Science & Technology

Dieter Meiller und Magdalena Kayser-Meiller über “Unterwegs im Cybercamper”

Als Ada L. bloggt die Protagonistin des Buchs „Unterwegs im Cyber-Camper“ über die digitale Welt und was sie im Inneren zusammenhält. In unserem neuesten Book Talk sprachen wir mit den Köpfen hinter dem Projekt.

Business & Economics

The CHIPS and Science Act: Why the USA Invests $52.7 Billion in Its Semiconductor Industry

Whether in mobile phones, data centers, or cars – microchips are everywhere, and ongoing shortages affect countless industries worldwide. To boost innovation in the United States, Joe Biden recently signed the $280bn CHIPS and Science Act 2022, of which a large part, $52.7bn, is earmarked for the semiconductor industry. What justifies such an enormous government investment in one industry?

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