Arts & Humanities Humanities and Social Science Researchers Respond to Covid-19 Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, humanities and social science scholars share their thoughts on the crisis in a series of think pieces and video talks collected here.
Politics & Society What Future for Post-Coronavirus Societies? There has been great speed to predict our post-Covid-19 future. What is clearer, however, is that institutions and individuals across the globe have already creatively responded to huge challenges to reshape social activities and everyday lives.
Politics & Society The Social Problems of Protecting Refugees during Covid-19 How do we protect refugees during the coronavirus pandemic? Can the field of ‘humanitarian engineering’ help us in this endeavour?
Politics & Society Is Covid-19 Part of History’s Eternal Danse Macabre? From the plagues in Egypt to the Black Death, the Spanish flu and now Covid-19, the trail of human misery left by diseases and disasters has been intense. For a social scientist, what do these events mean for society and its future?