#science discoveries

Science & Technology

Scientists against plastic: Are polysaccharides made from marine biomass a winning strategy?

The future of our planet is at stake. Plastic waste is piling up and nature-inspired alternatives are urgently needed. In a quest to tackle this issue, scientists are actively looking for sustainable solutions – even in the deepest corners of the Earth.  

Science & Technology

Super seaweed: the immune-stimulating and anti-HIV effects of brown algae

Samples of a brown algae species from the Gulf of Mannar, the first marine Biosphere Reserve in India, were found […]

Science & Technology

Teachers’ knowledge and attitudes influence reproductive and sexual health education

Adolescence is a period of dramatic bodily change and often a confusing time for young people. The role of teachers […]

Science & Technology

Melatonin: The diabetes treatment of the future?

Diabetes is one of the world’s leading causes of death, affecting millions of people around the globe. Researchers now say: […]

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