#Resources for Authors and Editors

Academia & Publishing

How to Blog About Your Research

Blogging is a great way to show off the real-world applications of your research and engage a broader audience. Discover the key steps to crafting a compelling piece that will undoubtedly spark a “eureka!” moment for your readers.

Academia & Publishing

How to Get and Grow an Impact Factor

Getting a grip on the “holy grail” of scientific publishing can be tricky, but we have some tips for you.

Academia & Publishing

How to Measure the Impact of Scholarly Work with Research Metrics

Bibliometric data is indispensable when it comes to evaluating the impact of your scientific work. If you’re not afraid of facing one or two mathematical formulas, then you can learn how to interpret the most common metrics, such as Impact Factor or CiteScore, here.

Academia & Publishing

What Are Altmetrics and Why Do We Need Them?

Are tweets and blog posts the new citations? The advent of social networks has undoubtedly changed scholarly communication, and scientific impact can no longer be determined by traditional bibliometrics alone. If you haven’t already, it’s time to get familiar with alternative metrics!

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