
Science & Technology

Lack of Knowledge about Endometriosis Amongst the Public and Doctors Delays Diagnosis

Women report that a lack of understanding from doctors and confidants, including parents, are key barriers to a timely endometriosis diagnosis.

Science & Technology

Global pain study defies “one-size-fits-all” approach to pain assessment

A recent study combining three online surveys in 14 countries across the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia found that musculoskeletal pain had a substantial impact on half of the respondents. Yet, the majority of them avoided immediate treatment.

Science & Technology

Manual physical therapy: A promising novel treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Currently available treatments for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) fall under the category of functional rehabilitation, and often have less than satisfactory results. According to a recent case study, manual physical therapy by myofascial release could provide structural rehabilitation, and has the potential to improve a range of neurological and developmental symptoms of ASD.

Science & Technology

Opioid use in Denmark: Almost 50% of tramadol users suffer from chronic pain

Opioids have been proven largely ineffective for chronic noncancer pain and their use comes with risks of dependency. Yet, a […]

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