
Arts & Humanities

Systemic Inequalities: Is Change Possible?

The concept of systemic inequality is polarizing and complex. In the latest discussion in the “Humanities for Humans” series, historian Robin D. G. Kelley and literary scholar Bruce Robbins delve into its roots, social manifestations, and potential solutions.

Arts & Humanities

“Man kann Ökonomie als einen Ordnungsversuch des Begehrens verstehen”: Jule Govrin im Interview

Begehren und Ökonomie sind untrennbar miteinander verwoben. Wie genau, davon erzählt Jule Govrin in einem Streifzug durch die Philosophiegeschichte von Platon über Hegel, Nietzsche und Freud bis zu Deleuze, Guattari und der Queer Theory.

Politics & Society

Why Billionaires in Space are not Going to Make the World a Better Place

The private space races of billionaires like Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are staged as humanity‘s ticket to progress, transformation, and even immortality in outer space. The colonial rhetoric that continues to accompany this new industry, however, is a reminder that their plans are neither altruistic visions nor merely harmless pet projects of the super-rich.

Arts & Humanities

School’s On/Off

Transformation or demolition? The struggle over a disused school building in Berlin-Wedding takes place in the context of a larger fight against neoliberal rule.

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