
Arts & Humanities

Humanities for Humans: An Interview With Irene Kacandes

Increasingly heated debates around hot-button issues are deepening rifts across society. Dr. Irene Kacandes wants to change the conversation. We talked with the Dartmouth professor about a new lecture series supported by the Walter de Gruyter Foundation that brings together humanities scholars and the broader public to defuse the polarizing issues of our time.

Academia & Publishing

Wie Forschende in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften arbeiten: Klassische Methoden überwiegen laut Studie

Eine Studie des Insights-Teams bei De Gruyter zeigt: In den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften überwiegen klassische Arbeitsmethoden. Sind Forschende in diesen Disziplinen einfach veränderungsresistent?

Academia & Publishing

How Humanities and Social Science Scholars Work: New Research Points to the Prevalence of Traditional Methods

A new study conducted by De Gruyter’s insights team indicates that traditional working methods prevail among humanities and social science scholars. Their reasons, however, are unlikely to lie in a resistance to change.

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