
Academia & Publishing

Wissenschaftspodcasts: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen mit Nadine Kreuzahler

Einfach ans Mikrofon setzen und loslabern? Für einen erfolgreichen Wissenschaftspodcast braucht es mehr! Zum Launch unseres neuen Podcasts „Wagnis Wissen“ sprachen wir mit der Moderatorin Nadine Kreuzahler über die Besonderheiten des Formats, ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen und Tipps für angehende Podcaster.

Politics & Society

World on the Move: A Discussion with Kathryn Abrams and Mark Terkessidis

Right now, over 110 million people are experiencing displacement from their homes, surpassing all previous records of refugeedom. In the latest virtual event in our “Humanities for Humans” series, legal scholar Dr. Kathryn Abrams and migration researcher Dr. Mark Terkessidis discuss the pressing questions about a world on the move.

Academia & Publishing

How Academic Librarians Are Shaping the Digital Humanities

When cutting-edge digital technologies and the humanities intersect, the possibilities for new and exciting research projects are endless. In this process, academic librarians play a pivotal role – and here’s how.

Arts & Humanities

Systemic Inequalities: Is Change Possible?

The concept of systemic inequality is polarizing and complex. In the latest discussion in the “Humanities for Humans” series, historian Robin D. G. Kelley and literary scholar Bruce Robbins delve into its roots, social manifestations, and potential solutions.

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