
Arts & Humanities

Call for Proposals: #RecordCovid19: Historicizing Experiences of the Pandemic

We are looking for interesting and innovative proposals for a new book about historical perspectives on the Covid-19 pandemic.

Arts & Humanities

Call for Manuscripts: Museums and Narrative

We are looking for English-language manuscripts on museums and exhibitions as narrative media for our new book series.

Arts & Humanities

#unbezahlt? Vom Widerstand des Akademischen Prekariats

Kurzzeitverträge, Niedriglöhne und permanente Überlastung – viele Forschende an deutschen Universitäten arbeiten unter prekären Bedingungen. Doch muss das wirklich so sein?

Arts & Humanities

From Justinianic Plague to Covid-19: A Timeless Story?

The news of SARS-CoV-2 spreading across the world and quarantine measures bring back to mind the terrible scourges of the past.

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