Arts & Humanities #unbezahlt? Vom Widerstand des Akademischen Prekariats Kurzzeitverträge, Niedriglöhne und permanente Überlastung – viele Forschende an deutschen Universitäten arbeiten unter prekären Bedingungen. Doch muss das wirklich so sein?
Arts & Humanities From Justinianic Plague to Covid-19: A Timeless Story? The news of SARS-CoV-2 spreading across the world and quarantine measures bring back to mind the terrible scourges of the past.
Arts & Humanities W.G. Sebald and the Natural History of Covid-19 The writer and academic W.G. Sebald (1944–2001) is considered one of the most important literary voices of the late 20th century. Less widely known is the pessimistic philosophy of history that underwrites his books: what might Sebald have said about Covid-19?
Arts & Humanities Injustice in the Era of Covid-19 In the Covid-19 crisis, misfortune becomes injustice, as inaction makes governments passively unjust. Political philosopher Judith Shklar helps us to understand why the line between “natural” and “human-made” crises is highly artificial.