
Academia & Publishing

Our Website Is Currently Unavailable: Cyberattacks on Cultural Heritage Institutions

Cyberattacks on museums, libraries and other cultural heritage institutions are a growing concern. While protocols for physical attacks or disasters are often well-established, the same cannot be said for virtual threats. If we want to proactively reduce risks, we need more than just firewalls – it’s the “human factor” that demands our closest attention.

Academia & Publishing

How Academic Librarians Are Shaping the Digital Humanities

When cutting-edge digital technologies and the humanities intersect, the possibilities for new and exciting research projects are endless. In this process, academic librarians play a pivotal role – and here’s how.

Academia & Publishing

ChatGPT in Academia: How Scholars Integrate Artificial Intelligence into Their Daily Work

A recent survey conducted by De Gruyter’s Insights team has revealed that academics hold both concerns and curiosity regarding artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT. What’s more, they are keen to see more transparency and education about the ethical use of these disruptive technologies.

Science & Technology

Dieter Meiller und Magdalena Kayser-Meiller über “Unterwegs im Cybercamper”

Als Ada L. bloggt die Protagonistin des Buchs „Unterwegs im Cyber-Camper“ über die digitale Welt und was sie im Inneren zusammenhält. In unserem neuesten Book Talk sprachen wir mit den Köpfen hinter dem Projekt.

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