Science & Technology

Science & Technology

How Climate Change Affects Animal Migration in the Arctic

Migratory animals rely on seasonal cues to time their movements. But what happens when these cues are no longer reliable? In the rapidly warming arctic, this question is becoming more and more pressing.

Science & Technology

Bridging Chemistry with Art – How We Put the “A” in STEM

To celebrate the beauty of a discipline that is usually regarded only with respect to its utility, three Canadian chemists decided to launch a contest of chemistry-inspired art. The various submissions to “ChemiSTEAM” – the photos, drawings, and even tea towels – showed them that in the end it’s all about the stories behind the art.

Science & Technology

Lack of Knowledge about Endometriosis Amongst the Public and Doctors Delays Diagnosis

Women report that a lack of understanding from doctors and confidants, including parents, are key barriers to a timely endometriosis diagnosis.

Science & Technology

COVID-19 and Preterm Births: How the Virus Affects Pregnancy

As Corona cases jumped in New York City, so did the number of premature births, a group of neonatologists find.

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