Arts & Humanities

The Humanities – Marginalized After Corona?

A crisis like the Covid-19 pandemic that affects the very core of human existence could also endanger the existence of the humanities and the study of culture. Will a “pandemic turn” sweep across all research and scholarly inquiry?

Arts & Humanities

Humanities and Social Science Researchers Respond to Covid-19

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, humanities and social science scholars share their thoughts on the crisis in a series of think pieces and video talks collected here.

Science & Technology

How to destroy Coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces

Droplet infections play a major role in the transmission of the Coronavirus. Yet, we must not forget about the risk […]

Arts & Humanities

Reisepionierin Ida Pfeiffer: Wie eine Wienerin die Welt eroberte

Mit Mitte vierzig, inmitten der Zeit des Biedermeier, beschloss Ida Pfeiffer, dass ihr die Rolle als Hausfrau und Mutter nicht mehr genügte. Also wurde sie Weltreisende.

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