Science & Technology

COVID-19 and Preterm Births: How the Virus Affects Pregnancy

As Corona cases jumped in New York City, so did the number of premature births, a group of neonatologists find.

Arts & Humanities

Spirituelle Dialektik – Der Geist in unendlicher Bewegung

Hinter den Erfahrungen menschlicher Solidarität steht der Kontakt mit einer geheimnisvollen Ganzheit, in der wir geborgen sind, wenn auch nicht geschützt.

Science & Technology

Brain Health – What’s Flu Got to Do With It?

Corona and influenza viruses affect not only our lungs, but also our brain, possibly with long-term consequences.

Arts & Humanities

School’s On/Off

Transformation or demolition? The struggle over a disused school building in Berlin-Wedding takes place in the context of a larger fight against neoliberal rule.

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