Politics & Society

Protecting Democracy through the Voting Rights Act: An Interview with Gregory T. Moore

Over four decades, civil rights leader Gregory T. Moore has tirelessly worked to reform US voter registration laws. His goal is to safeguard the rights of racial minorities at the ballot box. We interviewed him about the ever-increasing threats to the 1965 Voting Rights Act and his views on the future of American democracy.

Academia & Publishing

Frauen in der Wissenschaft sichtbarer machen – so kann es gelingen

Forscherinnen sind in klassischen Medien und der Wissenschaftskommunikation unterrepräsentiert – mit gravierenden Auswirkungen. Ein neues Projekt der Fachhochschule Potsdam möchte das ändern.

Arts & Humanities

Public History in Russia and Its Failed Struggle Against Putin’s Historical Politics

Public history emerged in Russia in the 2010s as an attempt to resist the increasing monopolization of the past and its interpretations by Vladimir Putin’s regime. Despite public historians’ solid effort, the struggle was lost. What are the field’s pasts, presents – and potential futures?

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