Arts & Humanities

After Saturday Comes Sunday

In the Middle East, neighbors warned the Christians: ‘after Saturday comes Sunday.’ It means: ‘after we finish off the Saturday people, we will finish you, the Sunday people.’  For the Jews, 850,000 of them – the Saturday people – left their homes in Arab lands years ago for Israel. Now in the days of ISIS it is the turn of the Christians – the Sunday people – to find themselves in mortal jeopardy in Iraq, Syria and adjacent countries. Over the past years, we have opened the newspapers every day to read about increasing attacks on Christians, who were killed and their villages decimated.  Sunday finally may be here.  But the persecution is nothing new. 

Science & Technology

The Periodic Table and the Actinides

Most people know that uranium is radioactive, but few would think of taking a Geiger Counter with them when antique-hunting. A hundred years ago, uranium oxide was widely used in making decorative glass objects. Their characteristic greenish-yellow colour gave them the name of ‘Vaseline glass’, though their radioactivity means that uranium is not used in glass-making these days. Uranium is also used in making the shells fired by Army tanks, as it is extremely dense and also tends to ignite on impact.

Science & Technology

Mold Toxins Damage The Liver – Antioxidant Supplements Might Help

Wheat mill workers frequently suffer from health problems caused by toxic fungi in the air. A group of Egyptian researchers recently discovered that supplementation with zinc and vitamin C can ameliorate oxidative stress and toxic liver damage resulting from occupational exposure to a potent mold toxin.

Science & Technology

Air Pollution In Southeast Asia Is The Main Cause For Respiratory Disease In Children

According to the WHO, in addition to respiratory disease, one third of deaths from heart disease, stroke and lung cancer are due to air pollution. And Children in Southeast Asia are particularly at risk. Now, researchers have reviewed the relationship between air pollution and the risk of wheezing associated disorders in children in Southeast Asia.

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