
Academia & Publishing

Wie Forschende in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften arbeiten: Klassische Methoden überwiegen laut Studie

Eine Studie des Insights-Teams bei De Gruyter zeigt: In den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften überwiegen klassische Arbeitsmethoden. Sind Forschende in diesen Disziplinen einfach veränderungsresistent?

Academia & Publishing

How Humanities and Social Science Scholars Work: New Research Points to the Prevalence of Traditional Methods

A new study conducted by De Gruyter’s insights team indicates that traditional working methods prevail among humanities and social science scholars. Their reasons, however, are unlikely to lie in a resistance to change.

Academia & Publishing

How to Write and Publish a Research Paper in 7 Steps

What comes next after you’re done with your research? Publishing the results in a journal of course! We tell you how to present your work in the best way possible.

Academia & Publishing

Research Rapture: Leaving No Stone Unturned

There can be real joy in diving into topics far beyond one’s own domain, but also concern about getting too caught up in the process. But fear not, getting sidetracked does not have to be a bad thing!

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