
Science & Technology

Sunflowers: Can mutations make them bigger, better, and stronger?

Supplying food to an ever-growing human population is a global challenge. Augmenting crop yields and increasing their quality may allow […]

Science & Technology

The future of the windshield: Augmented reality in self-driving cars

With increasing automation of vehicles, drivers will become more disengaged from the primary task of driving. New displays that cover […]

Science & Technology

Iris recognition under the influence of diabetes

Biometric recognition allows the identification of a person based on unique physical characteristics, such as the pattern of the iris. […]

Science & Technology

Why time travel is less implausible than you might think

Could time travel be possible? This question has been studied not only in science-fiction literature but also in theoretical works following Einstein’s discoveries. So far the answer has been that in order to time travel we must abandon logical consistency or face dramatic philosophical consequences. However, it now seems that this answer should be reconsidered.

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