
Arts & Humanities

“Man kann Ökonomie als einen Ordnungsversuch des Begehrens verstehen”: Jule Govrin im Interview

Begehren und Ökonomie sind untrennbar miteinander verwoben. Wie genau, davon erzählt Jule Govrin in einem Streifzug durch die Philosophiegeschichte von Platon über Hegel, Nietzsche und Freud bis zu Deleuze, Guattari und der Queer Theory.

Politics & Society

Iconoclasm: From Post-Socialist Yugoslavia to Black Lives Matter

Against the backdrop of the ongoing protests across the United States and Europe to denounce structural racism, take down its monuments, and call for a critical postcolonial confrontation with history, Gal Kirn draws connections between the present moment and the memory culture of the new states of former Yugoslavia during the 1990s.

Arts & Humanities

Karl Marx and the Problem with Work

That every individual is required to work is a social convention and disciplinary apparatus rather than an economic necessity.

Arts & Humanities

The Proletarian Dream and the Resurgence of Political Emotions

The proletarian dream, emerging out of late nineteenth and early twentieth century German culture, offers an important historical perspective on the powerful but little understood role of emotions in politics and social movements today.

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