
Arts & Humanities

Bohdan Stashynsky: The Internally Torn Assassin of Stepan Bandera and Lev Rebet

Intrigue and betrayal define the life of Bohdan Stashynsky, a former KGB assassin who risked everything to escape his past. His newly released memoirs shed light on the dark secrets of his espionage career and what led him to break free from the Soviet regime.

Politics & Society

Lauschangriff auf deutsche Offiziere: Russlands hybride Kriegsführung

Kommunikation ist im digitalen Zeitalter zu einer zentralen Ressource der Kriegsführung geworden. Dies bewies zuletzt eindrücklich der Abhörskandal um den möglichen Einsatz des Marschflugkörpers Taurus durch die Ukraine. Wie können journalistische Medien künftig in diesem „Krieg der Narrative“ bestehen?

Arts & Humanities

Public History in Russia and Its Failed Struggle Against Putin’s Historical Politics

Public history emerged in Russia in the 2010s as an attempt to resist the increasing monopolization of the past and its interpretations by Vladimir Putin’s regime. Despite public historians’ solid effort, the struggle was lost. What are the field’s pasts, presents – and potential futures?

Science & Technology

Health effects of microwave radiation: What the “Moscow signal” revealed

During the cold war, the USSR repeatedly irradiated the United States embassy in Moscow with microwaves. After the publication of […]

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