#Queer Theory

Politics & Society

Gender, Embodiment, Desire: A Discussion with Meg Fernandes and Jack Halberstam

Should gender be abolished? Why do conservatives fixate on trans youths? And what exactly do we mean by “non-binary”? In a recent event in our “Humanities for Humans” series, poet Meg Fernandes and gender theorist Jack Halberstam discussed today’s vital questions around gender, the body, and desire.

Arts & Humanities

What Can We Learn From Slapstick Comedy?

Despite its “simple” appearance, there is more to slapstick than meets the eye. Besides a whole lot of mishaps and mischief, slapstick movies and figures such as Charlie Chaplin’s famous Tramp provide us with unique perspectives on social issues and power hierarchies.

Arts & Humanities

“Man kann Ökonomie als einen Ordnungsversuch des Begehrens verstehen”: Jule Govrin im Interview

Begehren und Ökonomie sind untrennbar miteinander verwoben. Wie genau, davon erzählt Jule Govrin in einem Streifzug durch die Philosophiegeschichte von Platon über Hegel, Nietzsche und Freud bis zu Deleuze, Guattari und der Queer Theory.

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