#public health

Science & Technology

A non-invasive method to measure blood alcohol levels

In a recently published study, two groups of volunteers were asked to drink either water or an alcoholic drink on […]

Science & Technology

Practising Sahaja Yoga meditation could reduce depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety can make everyday life hard for sufferers. Research has shown that physical exercise and mediation can help with depression and anxiety. Used as a form of intervention to improve mental health, meditation is becoming a focus of scientific attention. Combined with yoga, research shows that Sahaja Yoga meditation has a positive effect on anxiety.

Science & Technology

Long-term alcohol and caffeine consumption and abrupt withdrawal could increase chances of seizure in teenagers

A recent study in juvenile male rats showed that consuming alcohol with caffeine, such as energy drinks over long periods […]

Science & Technology

Dust in climbing halls linked to a decline in lung function

In climbing halls, high levels of dust are found because magnesia powder is used to dry hands. Concerns have been […]

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