#public health

Science & Technology

COVID-19 and Preterm Births: How the Virus Affects Pregnancy

As Corona cases jumped in New York City, so did the number of premature births, a group of neonatologists find.

Arts & Humanities

Covid-19 and World War One Nursing

In October 1916, reflecting on nursing equipment shortages on the Romanian Front, British nurse Yvonne Fitzroy noted, “What we haven’t got we invent, and what we can’t invent, we do without”.

Science & Technology

The challenges of e-cigarette regulation in Indonesia

Despite being promoted as an “alternative” tobacco product for adult smokers, e-cigarettes are currently being used not only by smokers […]

Science & Technology

Is your teenager drinking enough water? Dehydration in adolescent high school students

Low water intake and chronic dehydration is a common problem around the world – especially in countries with high temperatures. […]

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