Academia & Publishing How to Fund an Open Access Article There are many ways to finance the Open Access publication of your research article. If you need more clarity on the different publishing models and funding options, we’re here to help!
Academia & Publishing De Gruyter’s 10th Open Access Book Anniversary: Alexandra Chiriac and Her Winning Title “Performing Modernism” To mark the 10th anniversary of our first Open Access book publication, we launched a call for book proposals. One of the competition’s 10 winners is art and design historian Alexandra Chiriac. In a short interview, she introduces herself and her monograph.
Arts & Humanities De Gruyter’s 10th Open Access Book Anniversary: Atle Ottesen Søvik and His Winning Title “A Basic Theory of Everything” To celebrate the 10th anniversary of our first open access book publication, we held a contest of which 10 deserving winners emerged. Each of them will introduce themselves by answering three questions – and today’s turn is theologist Atle Ottesen Søvik’s!
Academia & Publishing 10 Jahre Open-Access-Bücher bei De Gruyter: Lena Zschunke und ihr Gewinnertitel „Der Engel in der Moderne” Wir feiern immer noch (mehr als) 10 Jahre Open-Access-Bücher bei De Gruyter! Als Preisträgerin des dazugehörigen Wettbewerbs stellt sich Lena Zschunke im Kurzinterview vor.