
Academia & Publishing

Subscribe to Open: An Interview With Semiotica

Our featured journal for Open Access Week 2024, Semiotica has been published by De Gruyter Mouton since 1969. Recently, the journal stepped into a new era of open access with the Subscribe to Open model. In this interview, the editorial team explain how the transition is making research more accessible and bolstering the journal’s global impact.

Academia & Publishing

Congratulations, Winners of the 2024 Joshua A. Fishman Award!

This year, three early-career researchers have been selected for their outstanding dissertations addressing the sociology of language.

Arts & Humanities

„Familiennamen sind ein 600 Jahre altes Kulturgut“: Damaris Nübling und Konrad Kunze im Interview

Ob Hinz oder Kunz – hinter fast jedem Familiennamen steckt eine spannende Geschichte, wenn man nur gut genug hinschaut. Doch seit wann verwenden wir überhaupt Familiennamen und warum? Und was können wir heute aus ihnen über die Vergangenheit ableiten? Über diese Fragen und mehr haben wir mit den Herausgebern des „Kleinen Deutschen Familiennamenatlas“ gesprochen.

Arts & Humanities

Doing Linguistics Out of the Closet: A Queer Perspective on Discipline

Research on LGBTQ+ issues is frequently marginalized in academia. However, only by making space for the exploration of queer issues within established disciplines such as linguistics can we discover new insights and approaches that encompass the full spectrum of human experience.

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