#Jewish Studies

Politics & Society

The Gates of Gaza: An Interview with Lihi Ben Shitrit

Out now in hardback, paperback and eBook, Volume 4 of De Gruyter Disruptions reminds us that an eye for an eye leaves us all blind. Lihi Ben Shitrit gathers dissenting voices from within her country, both Jewish and Arab, as they grapple with the October 7 attacks and the subsequent military retaliation – and try to find ways forward together.

Politics & Society

Judaism and Abortion: Religious Freedom Requires Choice

Christian voices dominate the debate about reproductive rights, and the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade allows states to impose the most stringent views. Jewish tradition, however, has a different take on the question of when life begins.

Arts & Humanities

„1.700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland“: Deutsch-jüdische Entdeckungen im Archiv Bibliographia Judaica

Einst gegründet, um deutschsprachigen Jüdinnen und Juden nach dem Nationalsozialismus ihre Stimme zurückzugeben, dokumentiert das Archiv Bibliographia Judaica heute das Leben und Schaffen von über 20.000 jüdisch-deutschen Persönlichkeiten aus 200 Jahren Literatur, Politik, Wissenschaft, Musik und Kunst.

Arts & Humanities

Biblical archaeology: An Interview with Aren Maeir

Professor Aren Maeir specializes in biblical archaeology. We talked to him about his field of expertise and his role as an editor for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR).

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