
Arts & Humanities

The Importance of Bible Reception: An Interview with Benjamin Wright III

Why does Bible reception matter? We asked Benjamin Wright, scholar of Ancient Judaism and editor of the Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR).

Arts & Humanities

Biblical archaeology: An Interview with Aren Maeir

Professor Aren Maeir specializes in biblical archaeology. We talked to him about his field of expertise and his role as an editor for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR).

Arts & Humanities

The Bible and the Romans: An Interview with Natalie Dohrmann

How does Rome expand the legal empire into the East and how are the Rabbis respond to that?
We let Natalie Dohrmann, whose academic background focuses on rabbinic literature and Jews in the Roman Empire, answer this question for you!

Arts & Humanities

P.S. There is no Bible 1.0

As no one would probably argue against the fact that the copyists and editors of these holy texts were themselves very much human, how can we be so sure they picked the “right” ones? Perhaps we are missing out on some important thoughts?

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